AAG supports clients with a variety of skills relating to the management of aerodromes.
Contract, Supplementary & Relief Manning
AAG employs suitably qualified and skilled staff to assist aerodrome owners with manning for a variety of aerodrome related tasks including Airport Manager, Airport Safety Officer, Aerodrome Reporting Officer and Works Safety Officer duties. All staff are security cleared and hold a valid AUS ASIC. Some of our staff have a firearms licence and others refuelling qualifications.
Staff can be supplied on a continuous basis either to fill all identified positions or to supplement a shortfall in client staff numbers. As an alternative, staff can be supplied as relief manning to cover leave, sickness or staff transition periods as well as temporary manning during periods of increased activity.
Operating Procedures – Registered Aerodromes
Operating procedures that meet CASA requirements for Registered aerodromes have been developed to assist aerodrome staff to conduct their duties. These procedures primarily cover the core functions of the Aerodrome Reporting Officer and are able to be modified to suit specific aerodrome needs.
Aerodrome Manual – Certified Aerodromes
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations require Certified aerodromes to operate in accordance with the procedures promulgated in an approved Aerodrome Manual. AAG is able to produce a comprehensive, fully compliant and site specific Aerodrome Manual for aerodrome owners.
When aerodrome owners decide to produce their own manual, AAG can support Aerodrome Managers by providing advice and guidance on content and formatting to complete this task.
Safety Management Systems
AAG assists aerodrome owners to meet their regulatory obligations by producing a comprehensive, fully compliant and site specific Safety Management System Manual.